Entries in quilt (134)


basting a quilt

I got a quilt "basted" last night.  I am not really sure how.  The help I was receiving was not very helpful last night.  I thought I was going to get less "help" because Poppa was watching Motor GP last night.  Motorcycles!  Usually Small Mister rushes right over but Grandmomma was MUCH more interesting.  

It is going to be an interesting week to get this quilted.  We are off to a wedding next weekend.  I am trying to finish a dress for it that I am making out of my stash.  I just wanted something different to wear.  Since the Tall Short Person has plans for that weekend too, we have Small Mister every evening.  Her plans may have changed but that does not change the work schedule.

It is going to be an interesting week.  And the weather has finally changed here.  I wish to go camping but that does not look like it will happen soon.

Hopefully, quilting will get done.  I do have a deadling for this quilt.  The weekend after Thanksgiving.  We may be seeing Nirjinan then.


mountain quilt

I finally finished the quilt that is going to the mountain.

My Beloved helped me put this together.  He helped pick the fabrics and design it.

I designed the side with the nine squares, which is the side I like best.  

I guess this quilt never really spoke to me so it was easy to set it aside.  It actually has another of my quilts being used as batting.  It was a quilt that I made years ago and it was falling apart.  This give is it another life.  And I know it is machine washable and dryable.  The quilt I brought back last time was filthy.  I will not have to worry about this one and washing.  Or if it stays on the mountain.


a "flag"

Today did not go as planned.  The plan was feel better, work in the garden, work on a quilt, card fiber, and spin.  Make food in there somewhere.  Spend time with my Beloved after he was done with his work.  Bits happened but not all.

I am moving slowly.  My Beloved took me out for coffee so he could pick up cigar boxes for knives.  I sewed.  He reheated.  We spent time together.  The time together was lovely.  I did get the back Nirinjan's quilt done.  My Beloved called it Nirinjan's flag.  The label fits!

I did something very different for me for this quilt back.  I think I like it.  I know it fits my friend which is what really counts.  Even though I am moving slowly, this was a nice accomplishment.


an interesting weekend

It was an interesting weekend.  I did not get anything done I hoped to get done.  But we did go surfing.  I am a horrible surfer but I love it so much.  I watch the surf everyday, hoping there will be surf bigger then knee high.  There was this Saturday.  We got a chance to surf.  My Beloved has been hurt for days.  He hurt his back somehow.  I was doing very well until I rode a wave into the shallows and then fell face first into the water bottom.  The flare I am going through and fall made for an interesting combination.  I have been moving vvveeerrryyy slowly.  I just keep moving.  Though the sun feels good when I stay still long enough.

I did get the quilt top sewed together I have been working on.  My assistant and myself did not make a very good combination this time.  I had to rip out seams.  Multiple times.  Usually, I do not have any ripping out at this stage.  Not this time.  But it is all stitched together now.  I have started working on the back.

I have a feeling it is going to continue to be an interesting week.


linen nine squares done and laid out for nirinjan

This quilt is for my best friend Nirinjan.  It has been on the to do list for over a year.  And it is getting closer to done then most.  I have been working on it a hour a day.  Because as I work on it, I am also working on a quilt to sew.  And for one for friends who are got married this last weekend.  Actually, an hour a day seems to get a lot done.  

I seemed to have a lot of "help" on this quilt.  Small Mister is a "helper" and my Beloved had to help too.  The older one was actually a help.  I hope to have most of the quilt ready for quilting next week.