Entries in quilt (134)


all stitched together

The quilt top I am working on is all stitched together.  It felt like it came together much faster then normal.  Maybe it was just a need to be at the sewing machine.  The rain kept me out of the garden too.  My garden has a tendency to take the boots off my feet when it has rained this much.  I may have lost the lavender I planted as well.  Too much water.

Tomorrow, I may get a chance to be in the garden.  Rain is in the forecast again so who knows!  If it does rain, maybe I will get the back put together.  Even with Small Mister helping most days, it moves quickly.  He likes to pull the pins out while I am stitching.


for C and H

While I have been a lot of sewing for myself this winter and spring, I have been stitching squares.  I work on squares every time I stitch a straight seam.  As soon as Miss EA's quilt was done, I laid this one out.  It is for C and H.  They married last fall and I decided why not.  They need some hand made goodness.

I am still sewing for myself and more squares are being made.  My stash never seems to go down because I am adding old dresses to it instead of buying new fabric.  In some ways my closet is getting slimmer.  Ever time I sew a straight seam I sew a square.  The first strip on this quilt is almost together and I am hoping to get some time on my machine this weekend.  And I need to spin and be in the garden.  There are never enough hours in the day.


for Miss EA

I finished off this quilt this weekend while watching Call The Midwife.  It is a good stitching television show.

Miss EA's Momma liked this quilt top so I decided why not.  It was really not what I had planned for her but it works. 

Now, here is the hard part, getting it off in the mail!


another linen quilt

It has been a mad week, both at work and at home.  We have the Small Mister more then normal because the Tall Short Person has been working two jobs.  I get a few minutes here and there to sew.  But I have to admit that I keep falling asleep every time I am still.  I am trying to be philosophical about this.  It means I have not been sick.  But I admit, I would like some awake hours.  I hope to be able to get to row this weekend.  A bit of gardening.  Putting my hands in dough and make a loaf for our neighbors.  They brought us a bottle of wine.

In my few minutes of alone time this week, I laid out this linen quilt.  It does not have a home yet but it has possibilities.


Nirinjan's quilt is done.... Now how to get it to her!

It was a beautiful day outside today and I spent a majority of it outside binding Nirinjan's quilt.  I watched Small Mister as he climbed and helped my Beloved clean the garage.  That really meant a lot of firewood was cut and blocks for Small Mister.  Small Mister helped to make his own birthday present!

He felt he needed to help me lay it out for picture taking.

All done.  This is another that grew on me as I was sewing it.  I find this happens a more then I would think.  Taking the pictures show what it will look at.

The back is off center but then we are a bit off center together.  But it works very well!

Now, I need to get it to Nirinjan.  She does not have a permanent home because of her work currently.  This quilt will live with her afghan I made her in Douglas, her car.  It may even eventually show up in a movie.  But it is really so she knows she has a home always with us.  And wrap it around her to make a hug.