and where am I sleeping this weekend?

I admit to never having a summer like this before in my life. I have not been home for a weekend except once since the first of May. This last weekend was New Orleans. Another home. It rained. I walked. It was lovely.
I had gotten a text on my way back from Estes Park asking when New Orleans could happen. Business needed to be done. Knives shown. Rolled into New Orleans Friday when it was hot. Business finished and beverages and food were needed. Just a bit of rest and shade.
A few more miles, and a tent was set up. Across the lake cooled down at night so that was lovely. There was rain which also cooled things down a bit.
How do I do New Orleans? I find a place to park, usually in the Marigny. Then, I walk. I sometimes use the street car or a bus but it is really about how far you can walk, what you wish to eat, and how much can you drink. Going to grad school in a geology department in New Orleans has that tendency.
I did a lot of window shopping and got ideas for Christmas. I bought a few pictures and a silver tea ball. I have been looking at antique tea things online and I know where to go to find a brick and mortar (truly) store in the Quarter that carry such things. Makes tea even more lovely. I will haunt them next for crystal glasses. They need to be just right.
I tell people who come to New Orleans with me it is: how far can you walk and how much you can drink. Elevenish miles later, windows looked in, food eaten, a new bar tried that I really liked, and my day was close to being finished. The Pride parade did stop forward momentum for awhile but it just gave me another chance to eat. I need to do elevenish mile type mile days more often. My joints liked me for it.
New Orleans will happen again in autumn if not before. I need to do some stocking shopping.
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