healing weekend

I am moving slowly this weekend. I have been under the weather all week. Not so that I would stay home from work but such that eating made my stomach upset. That riding my bicycle to and from work meant I needed a two and half hour nap to feel well enough to make dinner. I was building pillow forts in the bed to help keep me warm even after I was under an afghan. I need to heal before we travel for three weeks.
I am working on the binding of this quilt. I need to make yarn for the sweater I am working on. And yarn for other sweaters! When the quilt is finished, I have more sewing. I should spend time in the garden but that is too much for today. Maybe tomorrow. Being under the weather means I get the work done that makes pennies but not the work that feeds my soul and brings me joy.
There will be a bit of baking this weekend. Whole wheat oatmeal dough which will be cinnamon rolls or bread and cinnamon rolls. An experiment as well. My only worry about being gone for three weeks is how to feed us the food we like best. There will be my Grandmother's funeral We will also be traveling for two weeks in Alaska with my parents and Koda Bear so that will be very different. I have not traveled with my parents since I was a child. Many changes since then! I will take some baking with us. Oatmeal scotchies were a hit last time for traveling so a batch of those will be made for driving.
I expect naps this weekend. I will need to get my energy back. Otherwise, quiet things.

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