does not want to get it dirty

Koda Bear is back! It is so nice having the small mister around. The small thing does not really fit though because he is tall. That is alright. I just accept that he will be taller then me and I will be the shortest in the family. Grandma just has to keep up and make bread. He just seemed to eat only the bread I had made yesterday. It is yummy!
I got a request for short sleeve shirts so my Beloved was destroying all of his. What was nice was now becoming a work shirt, work shirts were being thrown out. That is the process. Work shirts are usually so ragged and dirty when they are done that they do not even make good rags. I went through my stash and said, here are choices for shirts for you. He made choices. And I put it together.
It has been hanging there for about five days now. I asked him if he did not like it. He said he liked but did not want to get it dirty. I do not know if this is success or failure. Makes me sigh. I am making more shirts though so at some point he will wear one of them. They have been requested.
Maybe if Koda Bear and my Beloved matched? Hmmm.... Probably would not work to get either one of them to wear the shirts. Oh well.

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