
So far this week, I have had the early tireds. I am ready to go to bed by 7:30 pm. Yesterday, there was a rescue mission for soft friends that had been left at Daddy's house for Koda Bear. By the time we got back, I was so tired I did not even have energy from tea. That is very amazing!
Tonight is not much different. I definitely did not gallivant as much but still seem very tired. My concentration seems to be off as well. I know it will get better. Because it has too, yes?
I have been wanting beignets. I actually would like to take a long weekend trip to New Orleans but I do not see that happening any time soon. I am also being very anti-social which would mean that it would not be much of a success either. But I can make beignets at home. Make cafe au lait as well if I wish. Right now I am drinking tea. Either East Frissian TGFOP or Blood Orange Pu-Erh. Both go well with beignets.
Most of the beignet recipes I read used evaporated milk and I just did not wish to use that. I found a savoury beignet that used heavy cream. I decided to go with that recipe, with a few adaptions, and cut it in half. If there are only a few people in the house, a half batch is more then enough. There were no leftovers because I had boyos and they had friends come over. I did have enough for me. I would make these again!
Note: adapted from Southern Souffle. I cut the original quantities in half.
sourdough starter
3/4 cup water
1 cup flour
1/4 cup sugar
1 large egg
3/4 teaspoon salt
1/4 cup heavy whipping cream
1/4 cup whole milk
2 - 3 cups flour
4 tablespoons butter, room temperature
Canelo oil for frying
powdered sugar (icing sugar)
In a large bowl, mix the sourdough starter, 3/4 cup water, and 1 cup flour together. Cover and let sit overnight or at least 8 hours. It needs to be bubbly. Take a bit out for next time.
Mix in the sugar, eggs, cream, milk, salt, and butter. Add two cups of flour. Beat hard with a wooden spoon breaking up the butter. It should be a soft dough. Turn out on a clean surface and knead until smooth. Add a bit more flour if needed, but the softer the dough the better the crumb. Bring up into a ball, place in a ball, cover, and let rise until double.
When risen to double, turn the dough out of the bowl on to a clean surface. Pat into a rectangle that is about a 1/2 inch thick. Cut into about 2 inch square pieces. I find that even smaller is liked around here. Place on a piece of parchment paper with space between each and let rise until double again.
When the beignet have risen until double, put a large amount of vegetable oil into a pot for frying. I use a chicken fryer. Heat until 350 degrees Fahrenheit. When the oil is hot, carefully drop in the beignets. They should slowly come to the top of the oil. If not, the oil is not hot enough. Cook until that side is brown. Turn and cook the other side until brown.
Take out of the oil and let drain. Dust with powdered sugar.
These, of course are best hot, but I do find that the sourdough means that they taste good for longer then expected.
I need to make these again already. I have been experimenting with a new recipe for raised doughnuts. Still not right but I might be getting closer.
I can practice my frying skills with beignets though. These are keepers. They have been mentioned that it would be nice to have them again.
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