next is sassafras

In the evenings I spin. We watch videos. I spin. Small Mister yells "spinning wheel" when my wheel comes out. Sometimes it is just a spinning wheel. He loves to work the treadle. On my sewing machine too! Sometimes it is many other things. A pirate captian's wheel. A race course for McQueen. Part of the flight path or airstrip for his many planes. I
understand more and more how women used to spend all winter spinning for their family. That does not even include the time for making something with the yarn that is produced! Last week, I finished the merino yak yarn I was spinning.
I am about to start on the dyed portion of Sassafras. I have a very dark brown fleece I really wish to work with but Sassafras is next. This fleece was dyed with normal fabric dyes and avocado. That is why there are to tones. Then, I will deliver or ship it to Mrs. J. Mr. J is not going to want to go into the yarn room!
I have an update on my health. I seemed to have caught a bug going around work that is described as interesting by doctors. In another words, they do not know what it is. I am hoping with enough rest I will be pretty much okay. Otherwise, getting to and from the mountain and working on the mountain is going to be very, very interesting. Maybe I get to be a slug! Too bad I have not built a chair for up there yet!

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