sitting this weekend

I spent a lot of time sitting in this rocking chair this weekend. It is my rocking chair. If I do not say it is mine, it has a tendency to get snitched by the other family member. I needed to finish this quilt, which I did, but I also really needed to be off my feet.
I cracked my right ankle a year and half ago. Do not ask me how, because I do not know. I do know there was much pain. Either at the time or during the healing process, I screwed up tendons and ligaments in the foot and ankle too. I have found skateboarding (or landsurfing as my Beloved calls it) stretches out and strengthens all those tendons and ligaments. And I over do SO well! The only way I got that foot into my figure skate on Sunday was that it had been in my hockey skate doing laps first!
I always find the most interesting ways to rehab. And tonight I am a bit bruised. I did a very good technical fall. The three year old wandering all around blowing bubbles is fine. It was me or him. I chose me. It did kill the downhill though.... sigh... Really good bruises. Something to smile at tomorrow and try to ice skate through.
This is a bit of a babble today.
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