playing with duck

We picked up a 3 1/2 pound duck at the butcher shop. We like duck. My Beloved wants to raise them. I thought it was time. I did some searching on the internet but ended up with the old standard: Joy of Cooking. I have never had them go wrong with a turkey or a chicken, and they did not go wrong this time.
My Beloved cleaned up all the bits (and saved for soup) and the oven preheated to 450 degrees Fahrenheit.
The duck went into a roasting pan with some salt and pepper. There are lots of ways to play with the duck skin to get it crispy I found. I decided just to go simple this time.
The duck got popped into the oven. The temperature got turned down to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. The duck roasted for 1 hour and 10 minutes.
It got mangled before I could get a picture of its loveliness. It was quite good. I made a bit of gravy and we had some mashed potatoes. Life was good.
Yes, my Beloved can raise ducks.

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