chocolate chip cookie dough brownies

We do not go out to eat a lot but we definitely do not go out to eat on Valentine's Day. We have had too many friends who have worked in the resturant industry and know it is one of the busiest nights of the year. I am more likely to go to the grocery store late because grocery stores have a tendency to be very quiet. Grocery shopping during the SuperBowl is awfully quiet too.
We did not even leave the house for grocery shopping this year once we got home. I made a simple lasagne and roasted broccoli for dinner. Dessert had to be chocolate. I tailored it for the Tall Short Person because my Beloved does not do Valentine's Day. He worked too many years in retail. But he did sharpen all my kitchen knives (and a few others) and made me a card.
I combined two of her favorites, chocolate chip cookies and brownies. I made the end product gluten free so my Beloved could share.
Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Brownies
1/2 recipe gluten free chocolate chip cookies
1 recipe of brownies from the brownie cake: use 1/2 cup almond flour, 1/2 cup millet flour, 1/2 cup cornstarch, and 1/2 cup of sorghum instead of the all purpose flour.
Preheat oven to 400 degrees Fahrenheit.
Butter and dust with millet flour 8 inch round pan. I used a cake pan because I had gifted myself with two new ones but I think a springform pan would work better.
Mix the brownies per the recipe instructions. Pour into the prepared pan.
Mix the chocolate chip cookie dough per the recipe instructions. Drop on top of the brownie mixture (I had extra and just baked the brownies)
Bake for 20 minutess or until a knife poked in comes out clean and the cookie dough has browned.
These brownies are incredibly rich and the Tall Short Person liked them very much. I think they are actually better gluten free then made with wheat flour. I did have the issue of them trying to break between the cookies. Just made for smaller brownies but they are on the more delicate side. I destroyed the first one that came out of the pan.

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