Entries in life (391)


camping for mother's day weekend

We have a computer back.  But not all my pictures.  I will figure this out as I go but blogging might be interesting for the next couple of days.

Over Mother's Day weekend, I wanted to go camping.  So my boys and I went.  The Tall Short Person had to work.  We found a small little state park about 2 hours away.  It was very quiet and kind of strange but we had a good time.  I could not have asked for more.

I have been working on letterpress business cards for family lately.  There is not much to take pictures of because i am sending proofs back and forth, having people decide on paper colors, and ink colors.  But I got to order ink and paper today.  I am downloading Adobe Illustrator (for the how manyeth time?) so I can do one more mock up.  Then I am ordering plates.  The paper is already on its way.

I will get to print next week.  Life is pretty exciting.  Or maybe I just like simple things.


from my garden

I have been coming home to needing to care for Small Mister.  My Beloved is working on knives and it is my turn to care for Small Mister.  Earlier this week, we had errands to run which we could walk to.  He likes being outside.  Today there were no errands but there was the garden.

We dug.  We pulled weeds.  We barely made dent in what needs to be done but Small Mister pays attention longer then what might be expected.  Especially when there are bugs or worms.

Or Grandmomma finds new, interesting vegetables.  I had an eggplant over winter and this is what I found today.  I gave two away and I am going to try to use the rest before they get wilty or mold.  The tomatoes are starting to come in as well.  I picked the first small cherry tomatoes last week.  The romas are green and ripening.  I have more then I wish to think about currently.  Especially since there is still kale, chard, and carrots.  

And flowers.  I am enjoying my flowers.

I do enjoy the gardening.  It slows me down.  And we are outside.



I will get back to the cassoulet recipe but I wanted to share my garden.  I have been enjoying the flowers I grew.  You may bet a lot of flower pictures.

Today is a day of errands and working on projects.  I have to ball a skein of yarn while there are not little fingers around to help.  I hope to get some time in the garden today.  Small Mister likes to help and I slowly get work done.  And mabye a row or a skate?  Much of the afternoon is going to be in my rocking chair handstitching another dirt bag mattress.  After this one, there are two more to go.

Maybe I should build my self that camper....


"dirt bag" mattresses

We left mattresses on the mountain.  Which means that we do not have any mattresses for one bed and for camping.  

I found some organic cotton batting online for futons and there was a nice sale on clearance at Joann's.  Which means I am making "dirt bag" mattresses.  "Dirt bag" comes from 180 Degrees South.  It means you go do what you want to do after earning enough to pay for it.  That is sometimes how our camping has been lately, especially after we go the new old suburban.  Actually, that has been how all our camping has been.  Even when we have Small Mister with us.  

I keep thinking the next travel trailer we buy I will actually build.  But we have been enjoying camping out of the back of the suburban a lot.  We will see.


garden pruners for me!

When my Beloved was working with his teacher on learning to make blades, he bought me hand forged Japanese sewing scissors.  They have been the best.  They also make every other bladed tool I have seem like a second rate tool.

Last week, I came across a pair of Japanese hand forged garden pruners.  This was after working on the Teahouse and looking at what needed to be done in that corner of the yard.  I treated myself.  And I am so pleased!

I should really be on the computer for many hours today but it was a week of dealing with an application upgrade at work.  I do not wish to be on here long.  Instead, I ran errands, which I really did not wish to do either.  But I have all the materials now for another project, materials to try a new skill, and a way for me to get my boat around a little easier.  I also did a bit of grocery shopping and got to the libraries.  I am ready to sit and sew.  I get to empty those boxes!

And see the pretty flowers from my garden?  They were the first thing on that I used my pruners for.  And much prettier then anything I could buy.  Makes me very content.