Entries in life (391)


three quarters done

I am three quarters of the way done with Baby Nacho's quilting bit of his quilt.  I might be able to finish this this weekend.  But this weekend is already full of tasks and want to do's.  There is just not enough hours.  There are days I wish my life was closer to the land and creative tasks, like Tasha Tudor's.  Maybe someday.


gardening in the rain

Small Mister wanted to go outside in the rain this morning.  We were going to go skateboarding but it started to rain.  The temperature was lovely.  Gardening for a little bit in the rain was nice too.  I got some weeds dug up.  This carrot dug up.  And I picked three eggplant.  One I gave to neighbors as they walked by and told them how to cook it.  I also cut rain drenched flowers.  They go very well with the flowers the Tall Short Person's Boyfriend brought me as a thank you for dinner last night.  Not a bad Sunday morning at all.  

Maybe we can go skating this evening.  It is not raining anymore.


frustration in learning

I have spent a good majority of today with this beast.  I really could not start learning its idiosyncrasies until I had all the bits.  Well, I have learned that I need a few more bits.  I also could not figure out how to get it setup to print consistently.

This is my pile of trying.  And you should have seen my hands.  It was a good thing I was wearing an apron too.  I need to find a mentor.

I do have to admit that I am tempted to build myself a press from instructables.com.  Just so I have something to work with.  

More phone calls to make tomorrow.  A few more tools to order.  And we have Small Mister for the majority of my off time for the next few days.  It will all happen.

But I am tired and want to sigh.  It will be better tomorrow.


fun in water

For a three day weekend, we fit a lot into it.  My Beloved and I took Small Mister out in my boat for the first time.  I have been really wanting to go row but the logistics have been interesting between work schedules, weather, and the small boy.  But, we figured out my boat can go into the Suburban which then means we have a car seat.  Off to rowing we go.  

I did not get any pictures but it was hilarious.  Small Mister kept looking at us like "where are you taking that and why is it going in the truck?"  When the boat went into the water, his face was even more concerned.  I thought he was going to fuss when we put him in the boat.  But then Grandpoppa and Grandmomma were there with him. Off we went!  There was much fun to be had.  I would have probably liked to have been out longer but Small Mister got tired.  He also kept me from hurting myself.

On Monday, there was surf.  The whole family went.  The Tall Short Person took this picture.  I held my board while My Beloved help the Small Mister balance.  You would have thought we had given him the world with the smiles and laughter he had.  

I realized I need to spend more time on the water.  Either a board or a boat.  It just helps me to relax.   I laughed at myself because I realized I could have my life revolve around rowing, surfing, gardening, baking bread, and growing flowers.  What an odd combination!  There would be tea and books in there as well, with a bit of sewing.  Which reminds me, new surfboard bags with shoulder straps needs to go on the sewing list!


quilt back

I have a done quilt back.  For some reason, this one seemed to take much longer then normal.  It was probably my head space because what I really wanted to do was keep making nine squares.  20 more and I have enough for the next quilt I am making.  And my friend is not feeling well so I really hope it helps when she gets it.  I will eventually make one for me and I am excited about starting that as well.

My arthritic conditions have been really playing with me recently.  Injuring myself has not helped.  I think right now I would rather buy and grow flowers then food.  Well, except maybe for tea and homemade bread for toast.  My list for this weekend is overwhelming and I know it will not all get done.  I can hope that parts of it do.