from my garden

I have been coming home to needing to care for Small Mister. My Beloved is working on knives and it is my turn to care for Small Mister. Earlier this week, we had errands to run which we could walk to. He likes being outside. Today there were no errands but there was the garden.
We dug. We pulled weeds. We barely made dent in what needs to be done but Small Mister pays attention longer then what might be expected. Especially when there are bugs or worms.
Or Grandmomma finds new, interesting vegetables. I had an eggplant over winter and this is what I found today. I gave two away and I am going to try to use the rest before they get wilty or mold. The tomatoes are starting to come in as well. I picked the first small cherry tomatoes last week. The romas are green and ripening. I have more then I wish to think about currently. Especially since there is still kale, chard, and carrots.
And flowers. I am enjoying my flowers.
I do enjoy the gardening. It slows me down. And we are outside.
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