Entries in crochet (143)


the sweater I fell into

This is the sweater I fell into.  Other then finding the right buttons, because the ones I thought would work are really not going to, and a few ends to weave in, it is done.

The funny thing about this sweater is that it is all yarn I spun.  I had points where I needed to spin more yarn because I was out of the main color.  I still have more of that fleece. 

The shape is called a "boyfriend sweater."  It is oversize but the shoulders fit just right.  It is heavy.  I actually wore it a bit around the office this afternoon because the air conditioning made me feel very cold after being outside.  I like how it engulfs me.  Engulf is a good description.  I probably look like a little girl in it.  I have gotten carded and gotten called Miss recently.  The world is odd.

It was actually an interesting pattern to work.  I did make the comment to my Beloved that I really need to do one part once and then do it again right because I will have figured it out.  I am thinking about another.

I am gallivanting for almost two weeks starting tomorrow.  I am so excited I did not pack anything tonight because it would have met I would want to leave this evening.  Durango first, and then the coast.  There was a stop that I was hoping to make but it does not look like it is going to happen.  Just life.  I am taking fiber, my drop spindle, a crochet hook, and my Sunshine sweater to take apart.  Who knows what I will really come back with!

Send me smile and prayers for a safe trip please.  I will be smiling big.



I am very excited about my gallivanting.  And I am still creating but I have been sucked into a sweater that I really want to wear while I am traveling.  I may actually need to make more yarn for it and find buttons on my travels but I should be wear it otherwise.  I finished a sleeve tonight and got well on the way with the last.  The extra yarn is for the collar.

I tested out my tent today.  I never again wish to put a tent up for the first time by myself at 3:00 am without a light.  I did that at a Pensacola camp site.  Never again.  I am really glad I tested this setup here because the lighting is unique.  At 3:00 am, I would have thought it was broken.  But now.  I have a tent that glows.

My ripped up hands are making everything a bit slower today.  I had hoped to write about hot cross buns but my nails are so short that typing hurts.  I hope my hands are farther along the healing process tomorrow.  I might even make another batch for the road!


being very quiet

Our weather has been interesting and my flowers are bedraggled.  My vegetables and zinnias are doing very well.  But the mosquitoes are out in droves.  I am going to have to start drinking some tonic water every day again to help with welts.  I find when I drink tonic water the welts are just not as big.  It is the quinine.

I was very quiet this weekend.  The sweater I am working on grabbed me.  I really want it done for my gallivanting so I decided to work on it.  I watched Eureka and crocheted.  I find it is easier to work on the more intricate bits when it is something I have already seen before and can just follow the dialogue. 

I am liking how this sweater is coming together and really cannot wait until I can try it on.  I am thinking about taking apart the sweater I made myself from Sunshine's fleece and making something more similar to this.  A sweater that just fits a bit better and is not quite so asymmetrical.  I did do it on purpose but I do not appreciate it as much in practice as I thought I did.  I like more the classical cardigan shape even if it is a bit big on me.

I got teased by a friend at work on Friday that yes, I get rid of clothes.  But I make them into something different and not give them away.  Or remake them so many times that they are no longer clothes.  I am thinking about that one for Sunshine.

I have a feeling it is a fiber week.  More on that later.  But, I am finishing some tea, trying to put my crochet hook down, and trying sleep.  Notice all the tryings?


rainy saturday

It has been a rainy day.  Actually, it has been a rainy week.  So rainy that if I go to work in my garden I will be stuck in the mud to my knees.  This has happened in the past so I know I am not exaggerating. 

I thought I might get a chance to build a bed today.  New mattress have been ordered which probably should have been done years ago.  I would like to be off the floor and a bed would actually help.  But the desert walnut we have is not quite long enough and the hardwood wood store closes much too early on a Saturday so I am a bit stuck on that project.

I have been working on a sweater instead.  Part of the reason I was to late to get to the wood store was that the sweater has grabbed me.  The feel of it.  The colors of it.  And I want to wear it today.  But there is two issues with that.  I am spinning all the yarn for the sweater, which makes the process longer.  And to wear it today, it would have to be finished!  Not a work in progress. 

I am hoping it will be done for my gallivanting in May.  I am definitely going to the Oregon coast.  Maybe the mountain.  Having a new sweater would be lovely.  My thought now is that I will put a movie or an audible book on, makes some tea, and work on my sweater while I wait for my garden to dry.  If I get to restless, I will walk over to a store and buy clothesline and nylon thread to make baskets that I can hold spinning and crocheting in.  They are definitely a in thing to make but I can see such uses!


motoGP weekend

I spent the weekend on the hill at the Turn 1 in Austin, TX at the MotoGP races.  Grand Prix motorcycle racing.  Now, I will admit that the boyos in my life are the ones who really love it.  I go because to be supportive.  Sometimes I do the Kid Zone all weekend with Koda Bear so Poppa Bear can watch the races.  Koda Bear has enough in about ten minutes.

If there is no Koda Bear, I pull out my folding rocking chair, sit down with my crochet, and figure ou the physics of Turn 1.  COTA has the worst Turn 1 but as any type of physicist, you start playing lines in your head that involve velocity and acceleration.  It is a good thing my second language is calculus.  I do say a few prayers that there is no carnage on this turn.  Last year, in two classes, there was.

The weather was such that I was wishing that this sweater was finished instead of just getting started.  I ran out of yarn on the back and worked on a shawl next.  The sweater would have been a nice change from the sweatshirt that said biscuithead.  I do feel the need to make sourdough biscuits.  Maybe this weekend.