being very quiet

Our weather has been interesting and my flowers are bedraggled. My vegetables and zinnias are doing very well. But the mosquitoes are out in droves. I am going to have to start drinking some tonic water every day again to help with welts. I find when I drink tonic water the welts are just not as big. It is the quinine.
I was very quiet this weekend. The sweater I am working on grabbed me. I really want it done for my gallivanting so I decided to work on it. I watched Eureka and crocheted. I find it is easier to work on the more intricate bits when it is something I have already seen before and can just follow the dialogue.
I am liking how this sweater is coming together and really cannot wait until I can try it on. I am thinking about taking apart the sweater I made myself from Sunshine's fleece and making something more similar to this. A sweater that just fits a bit better and is not quite so asymmetrical. I did do it on purpose but I do not appreciate it as much in practice as I thought I did. I like more the classical cardigan shape even if it is a bit big on me.
I got teased by a friend at work on Friday that yes, I get rid of clothes. But I make them into something different and not give them away. Or remake them so many times that they are no longer clothes. I am thinking about that one for Sunshine.
I have a feeling it is a fiber week. More on that later. But, I am finishing some tea, trying to put my crochet hook down, and trying sleep. Notice all the tryings?