chocolate mousse

On our trip, we stopped at a wonderful restaurant in Santa Fe, Apothecary Restaurant. There were lots of plant based options which I am finding are really helping with the inflammation I have due to arthritis. I can see the swelling leaving my hands.
We ordered an avocado based chocolate mousse for the drive. Having a plant based snack was huge. We had eaten so much hummus on this trip! The mousse was so good. And it did not melt in the car. I decided to figure it out when I got back.
I have made this three times since the trip. Each time I have tweaked it a bit and I think the last time was the best. The tool that helps the most is a high powered food processor. One of those kitchen gadgets that I bought years back and have started to use a lot recently.
I like having a container of this in the refrigerator. Eating plant based has cut my sugar intake a lot but that does not mean I do not enjoy a sweet. Also, the Feral Boy Blue will eat this. It is a lot about calories because Blue does not really eat.
chocolate mousse
Note: I started with Gluten Free Alchemist's recipe. Mine is similar but I have tweaked it for our taste.
10 ounce bag of semi-sweet chocolate chips (I use Enjoy Life because allergen free, there is a gluten free eater again in the house as well as the plant based aspect)
150 ml of chocolate almond milk (I started with vanilla oat milk but the boyos drink chocolate almond milk as a pick me up. I find I like the depth it adds)
1/8 teaspoon salt
2 medium ripe but not overripe avocados (I find that is the size that works best. But medium are hard to find. I am going to weigh the avocado next time and start recording what is the best amount. The extras will be eaten in this house).
Melt the chocolate chips over a very low eat or in a double boiler. (I do not have a microwave.) In the food processor, put the avocado flesh (no skin or pit). Start the processing to be smooth. Add the salt. Continue to process. Add the chocolate almond milk. Process until very smooth.
Once the chocolate is completely melted, add to the avocado mixture. Blend until smooth and light.
I sometimes find I have help with the buttons from the Feral Boy Blue. If you can have a continues processing for about five minutes or even ten if the avocados were on the under ripe side, that is what you are looking for.
This is so good. Two spoonfuls make a lovely dessert or snack for me. The Feral Boy Blue likes to take my spoons!
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