travels with the bear

Since the last time I was in this space, I have driven from California and back. There was Koda Bear to pick up. We camped on the way back at Davis Mountain State Park. It is becoming one of my favorites. I like the quiet and the clear skies. There is room to run and jump and climb. I have not been there long enough to do any hiking but maybe someday?
I could see myself hanging out there with a book under a tree. I could hope. Especially when dinners are made with simple ingredients over flame. There were hamburgers and pan fries with salad for dinner. All the hamburge was cooked into patties and we at that for days.
I completely misjudged the traffic out of Los Angeles. Koda Bear is just north of their and to get back to this house you have to drive through or around LA. The wrong choice was made. I think there is always a learning on every road trip or camping trip. We were supposed to also camp outside of Tucson with the saguaro cactus but we did not. Maybe next time?
When we got back to the house, there were things that needed to be done. Meals decided upon. Laundry. Homework. Playing. Mending a shirt. Bicycle riding. Every moment was full. We did not even get to go see the movie we wanted to see we were so busy!
But Koda Bear now has his own skates. An eBay find that made him grin. He was slow start because he had only ever used rental figure skates before. But he was the last person off the ice. Just like the Tall Short Person always was. I feel like another monster was created. I am going to need to keep coaching just so he can skate. But I am enjoying the little bit of coaching I do. It pays for my ice time and a little bit extra. I find I smile a lot.
Now, I have to get back into the normal swing of things. It will get all changed up again later this month. More camping is planned. Makes me smile.
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