ice cream cones

I like ice cream. I like ice cream cones. I do not like leaving the house. There are acceptable ice cream cones to be purchased at the grocery store but the closest store to us only has gluten free cones which taste like cardboard! I am not kidding. Though Koda Bear seems to like them.
So, instead of going to an ice cream parlor, I decided to make the cone at home. Without any tools. I think next time I might like an iron of some sort but this worked and they were tasty.
I probably did not get the cone thin enough and I could have probably spread them thinner before I baked them. But those are learning experiences and I need to write the recipe down before I lose it. I will admit that I used white whole wheat flour in them. It is currently the only wheat flour I have in the house.
ice cream cones
Note: I used the recipe from Bigger Bolder Baking but increased the vanilla and used white whole wheat flour.
2 egg whites
1/2 cup sugar
3 tablespoons milk
1 teaspoon vanilla
pinch of salt
2/3 cup flour, white whole wheat
2 tablespoons butter, melted (but I think I used olive oil)
In a bowl, mix together the egg whites, sugar, milk, vanilla, and salt. Mix in the flour until smooth. Mix in the butter. This batter is going to be very similar to a crepe batter. I put the batter in a jar and put it in the refrigerator at this point.
Heat a non-stick or cast iron griddle over medium low heat. Do not add oil to this surface. When it is hot, drop two tablespoons of batter on it. Spread the batter as thin as possible with a back of a spoon. When you think the cone may be brown, carefully ease a thin spatula underneath all edges and flip. Bake the other side.
When it is the shade of brown you wish, remove the cone from the griddle. It will be hot but quickly roll it into a cone shape. Hold the end a minute.
Place on a cloth and let cool. Make the rest.
Now there are cones for ice cream! It is not much harder then making a crepe. And much tastier then a store bought cone! They are also good as a cookie themselves. No ice cream involved at all.

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