it takes as long as it takes

I think I have four sweaters in the works currently. Five if you count the one that I have decided to take out the neck and do something different with the yarn. I can already tell I will not wear it! I have a red sweater, a yellow sweater, a lacy sweater, and this creamish sweater all being worked on. Two of them I am making the yarn as I go.
This cream sweater makes me laugh. I did pick up the yarn on my last gallivant. I even picked up a pattern. Yes, it was a knit pattern so I was going to have to change it to crochet but I do this.
I have completely changed this sweater. Instead of being crocheted from the top down like it would be knitted, I am crocheting from the bottom up. There are still not going to be any true seams in it. The fabric was of the sweater was supposed to be plainer with only a bit of lacy but I decided that I liked this stitch pattern so much that it was going to be over the whole sweater. It reminds me of a thrifted sweater I bought in college that I completely wore out. And the last change is the edge yarn. Instead of going with the same yarn as the body but in a different color, I am going to use I yarn I am spinning.
I am so not surprised by any of this. But because of all these changes, I crochet, I rip out. I crochet some more. It was commented that I would not finish this sweater until I was 80. I am thinking I may actually start the sleeves this coming week. Maybe I will need to leave the house to look for buttons. Or maybe I can just do that online.
Everything I am working on currently seems to be taking more time. Or maybe I am just moving slower. I could believe that. But then I ponder things like, my pizza dough recipe is a baguette recipe which becomes a croissant recipe if you add layers of butter and flour which then becomes kouign amman when you add sugar. Which is kind of like a palmier. Yes. My brain. No drugs except copious amounts of caffeine due to tea. It wanders all over the place. But everything takes time.
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