
Leaving Washington, there was lunch with friends and then the decision to go to Tolt Yarn and Wool. I have read about this yarn shop online. Seen some of the workshops they have to offer. One of those that I always thought might not be the best place for my wallet for me to go. But I did.
They have a Makers Market that has sounded interesting. Not large. Just a few makers, dozen makers, in a yarn store. What could go wrong?! I picked up some interesting insect prints that I am going to put over my work bench. A white hand thrown cup that I have been using for tea, even though today it is for hot ginger. A smaller version for simple pours. Yarn.
They did have makers of yarn there. The two blue skiens above were from one of those makers, Spincycle. I could not pass them up. I was thinking hats. Maybe for me? Maybe for gifts? Maybe for presents? I will see.
Tolt Yarn and Wool definitely caters to knitters, not hookers. There are so many ways you can make crochet sound bad! One of the Spincycle ladies made the comment she never knows what hole to use because there are too many holes. It just came out so badly! I did find a knitting pattern called Baern that I should be able to convert to crochet. I am using the Yoth yarn I found there. It is the cream and green skeins in the top picture. It is an indulgence because it is large part cashmere. The sweater will so soft. I personally love the feel of cashmere sweaters but I always wear them out. I am hoping this will be different. I can hope.
It was nice. I may go back to Carnation, WA just to wander. I wil definitely go back to Tolt but they are online. I like small towns and I like to look into windows. When someone says window shopping, that is my favorite type of shopping. Just looking into the windows.
I have put down the sewing needle at night and put up my crochet hook. I am hoping to have a sweater soon even though it is above 90 degrees Fahrenheit most of the time. If it works, I may order more of this Yoth yarn. Or maybe I will see how the sweater wears. Or maybe I will spin some more.
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