my garden

When I got back from my travels, I did not know what I would return to in my garden.
I think abundance is the right word. There is spinach and amaranth that can be picked. There are so many flowers.
The flowers definitely make me smile! I have not picked many because everyday I have been weeding and enjoy them while I am in the garden. I did bring one inside today because it had come off in the weeding but that is about it.
I keep transplanting vegetable plants so they will have more room. Every time, I hope the plant will make it. So far, so good. But there has been rain everyday which has helped.
There is a lot of peace in the weeding. Any time I get anxious, having my hands in the dirt lowers the anxiety a lot. It has been six months of risks and strange curves on the road. I am still on that path and sometimes it just causes me to be anxious. The weeding helps. It is food I can see that will be coming to the table. It is flowers that just bring joy.
More dirt time is needed. Especially in my new overalls! I get so dirty and I track mud so well. The overalls have been protecting me better from insects as well so life is pretty good.
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