quiet spot

My garden is growing. I have been spending a bit of time out in it each day. There are weeds starting to come back so I go out and work with my garden knife. It may not be that long each day but I seem to get a couple handful of weeds out each time.
I have also needed to do some thinning. The pumpkins are trying to take over the world again. Some of the broccoli seeds came up much too close together. I know I will need to thin more as things grow but it is hard when the plants are so small. But I did notice that they were bigger in the evening then when I weeded in the morning. That is what happens when a bit of water and warmth are added.
This bunch of mint came out of my mint bed. I walked it up to a local restaurant. We went out for drinks last night and talked a lot with the bar manager. I think I found someone of like mind. There may be much more infusion happening in my future. Infusion that is alcohol based. For now, I will take him mint occasionally. Even though this did not even seem to touch my mint bed. The clipping will help it keep from getting leggy and it will grow more. Just what I need, more mint!

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