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chipolte honey mustard dressing

This.  This is where my life is.  I need to make for the refrigerator:

1) chocolate syrup

2) orange syrup

3) ginger syrup

4) caesar dressing

5) ketchup

6) chipolte honey mustard dressing

If I have not made it, one of the boyos is at least willing to try.  If there are directions.  Last week I got asked to send the link.  

The only recipe of the above I have not written down is the chipolte honey mustard dressing.  That is because I just came up with it.  I usually want a chipolte aioli with my tacos.  The boyos have a tendency not to like it very well.  I like more chipolte then they do.

There has been talk of a honey mustard dressing being added to my repertoire.  That is how I came up with the idea.  But maybe I should not have.  Because most of the time I do not have enough chipolte aioli in this form for my tacos.  I have to share.  

By the way, the caesar gets put on tacos too.  At least two, if not three, of the list will be made for dinner tonight.  It will depend on if Koda Bear wants chocolate milk or not to drink with his dinner

chipolte honey mustard dressing

pinch of salt

pinch of pepper

1 crushed and peeled garlic clove

3 tablespoons mustard (I use my fermented mustard)

3 tablespoons honey or agave

1 teaspoon chipolte

1 egg yolk

1 cup olive oil

I have a container I can use with my immersion blender and that is what I use for this dressing.

In the container, put in the salt, pepper, garlic, mustard, honey, chipolte, and egg yolk.  Blend.

Slowly start adding in the olive oil, blending very well after each addition.  Keep adding until the dressing is the consistency you wish or all the oil is gone.

Serve on tacos or fish or french fries or salads.  Yes.  Really.

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