twists and turns

I did not know what to title this post. I laid out a quilt and that went well. But the brownie experiment did not. It tasted lovely but it was a true failure. Though I did get reminded that I make a pretty good chocolate peanut butter smoothie when I have that chocolate shake craving. And the inflammation does not increase with it.
I misplaced my threading hook for my spinning wheel. When I was going to spoil myself this weekend with some spinning, I could not get the yarn threaded to start. But my hands and eyes were already done from a day a the sewing machine. It was probably for the best.
I have not finished the binding on two quilts yet. The Market is this weekend and I hope to have two more quilts finished. Friday and Saturday morning I can sit in my rocking chair and sit. Maybe tomorrow night too. I was going to do some stitching this evening but a friend needed a distraction so we went to a movie. The laughter was great and it took her mind off whether she got a new job or not.
Just a lot of twists and turns. Maybe some of those twists and turns will smooth out. Maybe not. It is like the Chinese curse, may you life in interesting times. These are.

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