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my Sunday

I spent my Sunday quilting.  I got a quilt all quilted in one day.  That is first.

It is a gift that I hope to get to the Tall Short Person by Halloween. Which may or may not happen.  I put in DVDs and an audiobook and spent the day at my sewing machine. 

There was much tea.  

I had all these grandiose plans about what I would do.  I would get up and take a short walk when I was through with a quarter of the quilting.  Every quarter.  I would make my self a simple dinner when I was three quarters through.  

Yep.  Whatever.  I got obsessed.  I was a wreck when I got up from my machine and then more obsession happened when I wanted to find another DVD.  I wanted to sit and crochet.  

Sunday was an interesting day!

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