bread pudding because I could not see croissants go to waste

This Christmas there seemed to be a lot of talking about Moms going on. Part of that was the elusive hunt for the sour cream raisin pie. And it was the first Christmas without my Grandma, my Mom's Mom. My Dad's Mom was one of those cooks who never measured anything. I get given a lot of crap for doing the same.
Finishing off the book portion of the Christmas shopping, my Mom took us to her favorite bookstore. I could have spent all day there! New books. Used books. Places to sit and read. Places to eat. Library downstairs. Yes, really.
We had lunch there and the salad I had there actually was big enough to feed everyone salad for dinner after I ate off of it. Both my Mom and I had croissants for dessert. Her's was almond. Mine was chocolate. But these were large croissants and there was about half of each left over.
After they sat on the counter back at the house for a day, I decided it was time for bread pudding. But then I pulled a Grandma. I cut them up into bite sizes pieces. I beat an egg. I dumped in maybe a half cup of heaving whipping cream. Mixed that with maybe a quarter cup of sugar. A couple teaspoons of vanilla was added to the mixture and then the croissants were added. I let that soak for a bit.
After the soaking, into an oven proof casserole and I baked at 350 degrees Fahrenheit for about 30 minutes or until there were golden crunchy corners. I like golden crunchy corners and so does my Mom. She nibbled on this for the next couple days. She was still nibbling when we had to leave.
Sorry. This is the closest to a recipe I can write down. I am becoming my Dad's Mom. But that is not a bad thing. Either Grandma for that matter! Both are missed.
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