made from what we had: a chimera

Last winter? The winter before? The chimera I had got broken. Boyos were involved and I did not ask the details. There has been talk ever since about getting another but I came home one day and this was what had been built for me.
It started out with a full top but it got cut out so a round steel plate can be put there, with handles. Better for cleaning after cooking with fire.
I have started playing with cooking with fire. The pot on top of the chimera is pictured here before cooking. It had white beans, red beans, kabacha squash, and seasonings in it. Water. Over the fire.
The make shift grill top was just two pieces of scrap steel. Add wood. Add fire. Make sure the water does not boil off and even with beans that have not been soaked, there will be cooked beans for the evening meal.
When I started building fires like this and kicking boards to feed the fire, I got called a bad ass.
I'll take it!
The beans turned out really well. There was a taste of smoke from the smoke that added a lovely depth. The boyos enjoyed them too. Eating bowls of rice and beans around the fire.

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