cold soaked oatmeal

When it comes to oatmeal, I like hot steel cut oats. It is about all I eat anymore but quick and old-fashioned oats all taste like flour paste too me. Flour paste was actually used as wallpaper paste so I could have said that but then someone in my life would have asked if I had ever tasted wallpaper paste. It becomes a circular argument.
One of the summer interns that I work with was eating this cold soaked oatmeal concoction one morning, most mornings. I asked Miss C about it and she told me the recipe. My Beloved keeps telling me it is too hot to eat his normal breakfast so I thought I would try it, even though I only had quick oats in the house for granola.
He liked it. Oatmeal in summer. The texture reminds me of my Dad's cream of wheat so this is not something I will eat but I did not make it for me. Three nights this week I have put this together so far so my Beloved has breakfast. Now Koda Bear, he is still eating fishes in the morning. I am with the small bear person on that one if I cannot have tea and toast or some type of bread.
cold soaked oatmeal
1/2 cup oatmeal (every recipe I read said old-fashioned but I have been using quick)
1/2 cup dairy or non-dairy milk (I have been using honey almond)
1/2 cup greek, bulgarian, or icelandic yogurt
a squirt of agave or maple syrup, what is to your taste
1/2 cup berries: raspberries, strawberries, blackberries, blueberries
The night before, in a mason jar, mix the oatmeal, yogurt, milk, and sweetener together. Put the fruit on top. Close the lid. Put in the refrigerator unitl the next morning when you are ready to eat. More fruit can be added or some nut butter too.

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