surfboard bag

My favorite surfboard has a bag that I made for it when I first got it. The bag is in tatters. It was made out of upholstery fabric. At the time, I really could not afford a manufactured surfboard bag so I made a huge drawstring bag to protect my board during transport. Also, to give me a couple handholds for when I need to carry it. All my favorite surfboards are much taller then I am. My Yater Spoon is 9'6". With the wind blowing, to the beach and back is always interesting.
Which is part of why it is in tatters.
But I had some more upholstery fabric. We had found an 11" board that still needs a bag but since this is the one I always seem to go for in the quiver, I thought it would take precedence. A huge drawstring bag is not a lot of seams but they do take a bit of time to sew. Especially since I doubled everyone.
But it is done. A brown hibiscus print. It should be good for another ten years. That is about how long the last one made it.
Now, if the forecast as for anything but rain and flat surf this weekend. I may just go out for a paddle to work my shoulders. It is a bit of a sigh though because I had so much fun last week.
And yes, there is more rain in the forecast.
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