vanilla brioche

Yes, we like chocolate around here. But we really like vanilla as well. My Beloved asked for vanilla brioche so I decided to give it a try. He really liked the vanilla cream that is used in the brioche au chocolat that I make. He asked if the brioche could be filled with just that.
I have been liking the little brioche and did not want to make a whole sheet. The little muffin sizes are perfect for breakfast or with tea. That became tricky. How to get the cream in them. I really did not but they do have a lovely vanilla flavor.
vanilla brioche
the dough from the chocolate brioche
1/4 of the vanilla cream from the brioche au chocolat
When the dough is at the point for shaping in the chocolate brioche recipe, have the vanilla cream cooled and eighteen small muffin pans buttered. Portion the dough into eighteen pieces. Flatten into a round in the palm of the hand. Push into the muffin form, leaving a well in the middle. Spoon a teaspoon of vanilla cream into the well.
Cover and let rise until puffy, about one hour in a warm place.
Preheat the oven to 424 degrees Fahrenheit. Sprinkle the brioche with sugar. Bake for 20 minutes or until golden.
These are lovely warm or reheated.

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