
I hate it when I have problems with the computer at home. It has been one of those days and I do not know why. At least I finally found a brower that worked!
My long weekend was lovely. I really did not do any thing special but I did have a request for cake.
A time consuming cake. A cake that had been seen on the Great British Bake Off. A Swedish Princess cake.
I made marzipan and fondant for the first time from scratch. I ran out of chocolate. I learned new skills.
Would I make it again? No. It is not to my taste.
I would make the sponge, the jam, and the cream patissierie again. Even the creme pat mixed with whipped cream but I would assemble it very differently. I felt the top layer of whipped cream did not add anything and it was the only reason the marzipan was there. Next time, I may try it as more of a layer cake or an opera cake.
The flavors have been requested again but not this style of assemplage. But that is life with experimentation.

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