The boyos got into doughnut holes this summer. I think they tried every doughnut place within a five mile radius. As large as Houston is, that is really not that many places.
It started out as a trek to find out if Koda Bear liked jelly filled doughnuts because of the books that were being read. That is our lives. The decision was made the jelly filled doughnuts were not really Koda Bear's thing but doughnut holes? Those were!
Many of the doughnut places near us are a bit hip. They try much too hard. And they usually do not have doughnut holes. How can you have a doughnut shop without raised doughnut holes all day long? The boyos could not figure this out. The request was for me to try making doughnut holes home.
I got out my starter and gave it a try. Not a bad try. As with most doughnuts, right out of the frying fat, these were the best. They got tough as the week went on, because even with cutting the recipe in half and giving doughnut holes away, this recipe makes a lot! Still quite tasty though. I am going to need to look for a recipe that cuts down even further in the future.
I probably will try other recipes in the future, especially one that is closer to a brioche dough but this is a good place to start. A good standard to have in the repertoire.

raised doughnut holes
Note: modified from From Cupboard to Cupboard found on pinterest
3/4 cup water
1 cup flour
1 1/2 cups lukewarm milk
1/2 cup white sugar
1 teaspoon salt
2 eggs
1/3 cup butter
5 cups all-purpose flour
1 quart vegetable oil for frying
1/3 cup butter, melted
2 cups confectioners' sugar
1 tablespoon vanilla extract
4 tablespoons hot water or as needed
The night before, mix the starter with the water and 1 cup flour in a large bowl. Cover and let sit until bubbly. Remove a couple tablespoons and put in the refrigerator for next time.
To the large bowl of starter, add milk, sugar, eggs, and butter. Add two cups flour. Mix well. Cover for two hours until bubbly.
Mix in the salt and two more cups of flour. It should be a stiff dough. Turn out onto a clean surfaces that is dusted with flour and knead until smooth. Add up to another cup of flour if knead. Because of my time constraints, I put this in a plastic bag and into the refrigerator for about twenty four hours. Otherwise, put the dough in a clean bowl, cover, and let rise until double.
Turn the dough out on a floured surface when risen. Pat into a large rectangle that is about 3/4 of an inch thick. I cut squares just to make my life easy. Pull the squares apart. Cover and let rise about an hour until puffy.
When the squares have proofed, put the oil in a large pot (chicken fryer). Heat to 350 degrees Fahrenheit.
While the oil is heating, mix the butter, vanilla, and powdered sugar together in a small deep bowl. Something you could dip holes into. Add enough hot water to make a thin glaze.
When the oil is to heat, start adding holes. Fry on each side until golden. I will tell you know this is frustrating because the doughnut holes, even when squares, have a tendency to want to roll to one side.
When both sides are golden, remove the hole. Drain a bit on a towel or paper towel. Drop into the glaze and much sure they are well covered.
We just stacked them on a plate. The verdict was the smaller ones (one bite size) were nicer then the larger holes.
The only negative I have about these, really just make to many. But yummy! I will be looking for another recipe that is easier to make smaller. Maybe I will find something that the boyos like even better even though these were a hit!
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