eventful morning

This morning has been eventful. I was working in the garden when I hear "Lady, can you help me?" On entering the house, I come upon a wild eyed Beloved with scorched hair. He had problems lighting his salt bath forge.
I pulled out the aloe plant. Broke open a spear and slathered it on his face. I kept doing it for the first fifteen minutes. Then I had a bit of time to take the newest knife he made me (actually, I get all the seconds) and cleaned out the leaves to put the pulp in a bowl. The new knife worked like a charm. Took the pulp right off the skin like I was skinning a fish.
His skin is looking better but his hair is seriously scorched. I am worried about his eyes, especially his left eye. He can see but it is very irritated. Prayers please.

Reader Comments (2)
Oh dear, yes of course I'll be holding him in prayer.I haven't checked into your writings for the last couple of days but I'm hoping by now your Beloved is mending well, especially that eye. Things happen so quickly don't they.Please make sure he gets it checked out if it is still worrying him and maybe he needs to wear sunglasses just until it heals a bit. Not that I know anything about eyes. Sending my prayers and well wishes though.
Blessings Gail
He is doing better. He has one small tender place on his scalp still. He is taking care with his eyes. Thank you so much for your prayers!