sourdough rye bread

My Beloved likes Reuben's, the sandwich. We really have not found a rye bread he likes. I keep trying different recipes. This ones seems to be the best. We both really like how it turned out. The two bits that made a big difference is a very soft dough (almost a batter) and lots of time.
We now just have to get the makings since we have bread for it!
sourdough rye bread
Note: I used a wheat sourdough because it was what I had but if you had a rye sourdough starter would be lovely.
sourdough starter
3/4 cup water
1 cup flour (rye if you have it :) )
20 grams salt
50 grams barely malt syrup
350 grams dark malt beer (I used a pumpkin stout because that is what we had)
450 grams water
800 grams rye flour
The night before, mix the starter, 3/4 cup water, and 1 cup flour. Cover and let it sit overnight.
The next morning, remove a bit of sourdough for the next time
Mix everything else into the rest of the starter. Mix hard until very smooth.
Butter two loaf pans (because I did not have the right 1 gallon rye pan). Split the batter between the pans. Cover with plastic wrap and put in the refrigerator for at least 24 hours. I actually did 36 hours.
Remove from the frig and let rise at room temperature until the batter reaches the top of the pan. I actually deflated the batter a bit by removing the cling wrap. I would have let it sit a bit longer but I just did not have the time.
When the batter reaches the top fo the pan, preheat the oven to 320 degrees Fahrenheit. Put the loaf pans in the center of the oven and let bake for 2 1/2 hours (yes, really).
Lovely sourdough rye. It is even almost sour enough for my Beloved. A slower rise would get it there.
My Beloved cannot wait to make Reuben's!
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