Tunisian crochet

I crochet. I do not knit very well and when I do I concentrate on socks but I crochet a lot. The Purl Soho blog put up a tutorial on Tunisian crochet and I decided to give it a try. They, of course, suggest fancy yarns. I picked up some cheap cotton from Joann's. I did try making a washcloth.
I would say that I it was not hard. I would need some new hooks if I to make something bigger. It is an odd fabric to me but then I have been crocheting for many years. If I find a pattern I might like to try, I think I would go for it. But currently, wash cloths are fine.
Our computer is giving us fits. I may or may not be back on tomorrow. I hope I got everything backed up because I have put about six hours into design over the last few days. I am waiting on okays. Small steps forward and soon my letterpress will be used.

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