a rainy Saturday

It has been a rainy Saturday. But I got another bed in the garden planted with vegetable seeds. It did not rain that hard for a bit this morning and that is when I got it done. I also got a quilt that has been sitting on my pile of things that need finishing pinned together for sewing. It has been a long time since I quilted something of this size. And it will be free hand sewing. It is going to be interesting. But it just has to stand up to wear.
I did do something just because. I bought some wool from purlsoho.com a while back. It was a wool bundle of Mary Flanagan Woolens. All the wools are in blue. I started cutting the quilt squares from them. It will be fun to see how it turns out. I will not be surprised if I have to supplement with other woolens but this is going to be fun.
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