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fig and prosciutto pizza 

This is currently my favorite pizza.  Fig and prosciutto pizza.  And it does explain why I cannot go out for pizza.  I put together a sourdough crust and rolled it thin.  Sliced five figs and spread them around.  Ripped up an eighth to a quarter pound of prosciutto.  Sprinkled that over the figs.  Drizzled with a good glug of olive oil.  It then baked for 18 minutes at 450 degrees Fahrenheit.

I was in heaven.  This is so yummy.  But you cannot order it.  You  might find something similar, called something different at an upscale resturant.  

It is so simple.  Those are really the directions and porportions I used.  But it is slow food.  It is  food that takes a little care.  I started the sourdough the night before.  I kneaded the dough for five to ten minutes with small hands that wished to help me.  I let the dough sit and rise until it is ready.  It is the type of food that warms your soul not just your tummy.

I wish everyone could find such joy in such simplicity.  In the task as well as in the food and the sharing of it.

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