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MY gluten free chocolate shortbread

I decided that I could use my shortbread recipe and make it gluten free.  And if it was a failure, the cookies were meant for an icebox cake, so who would know anyhow if they did not turn out quite right.  

I feel like I am finally getting a hang of this gluten free baking because they did turn out.  I took my shortbread recipe, that no one can seem to emulate and I do not know way, changed, and had lovely chocolate tallbreads.  Part of the problem is that this recipe is so simple that you actually taste someones touch.  The other thing I wish to say, if a gluten free dough does not have the same consistency as a gluten dough when it comes to cookies, they will not work.  I have read so much about gluten free baking because I needed to learn.  But, really, it is just baking.  If the dough does not seem right, there is a good chance it is not.  It has taken me awhile to learn this.

This is a very simple recipe.  It really is about touch.

chocolate shortbread

Note:  The only difference between this recipe and my regular chocolate shortbread is the flours.  If you wish to use wheat flour, use 2 cups of all purpose flour.

1 cup butter

1/2 cup granulated sugar

1 teaspoon vanilla

4 ounces semi-sweet chocolate, melted (more intensity, use dark chocolate - lovely)

1 cup millet flour

1 cup almond flour

1 cup teff flour

1 cup arrowroot flour

granulated sugar

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

Cream the sugar and butter together until light yellow.

Mix in the vanilla and chocolate.

Mix in all the flours.

Cover baking sheets with silpat or parchament paper.  Put some granulated sugar in a bowl.

Take a teaspoon of dough, roll it into a ball, and roll in the sugar.  I was able to fit about 20 cookies per baking sheet.

Bake for 15 minutes.

This are delicate when coming off the baking sheet so be careful or let them cool before you transfer them.

They taste right!  Am I the only one who makes an ingredient for a recipe?

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