a simple dessert, roasted nectarines and plums

I have found that my body and the arthritis I have does not deal well with sugar. Or at least not as well as I would like it to. Sugar is the worst but it is also true for simple carboyhydrates. Even so, I still enjoy sweets. I have been trying to eat more fruit though.
I have started to roast stone fruit as a simple dessert. The flavors get intensified and the sugar craving gets nixed. There are little bits that are candied. Roasting fruit also takes the best part of pie and puts it on your plate. So, I have never been that fond of pie crust unless it is in pie crust cookies. (Maybe I will post about those someday, so good with tea.) This way, I get the best part of the pie!
Roasted nectarines and plums
1 plum per person
1 nectarine per person
a teaspoon of the best raw sugar you can find, if you wish
Preheat the oven to 450 degrees.
Slice the fruit into an oven proof pan. Roast for 20 minutes or until soft with carmalized bits. Remove pan from oven and put the fruit on a plate. Make sure to get all the juices. Sprinkle with a bit of raw sugar.
This would be really good with ice cream if you so chose. We did not and there was nothing on the plate when we finished. It was a nice finish to the curry I had made.

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