another simple not very sweet sweet

This is a sweet that I have wanted to try after reading about it years ago. Very simple. Very Italian. Just a little bit sweet. Perfect for the week I have had. Good week but lots of drama at work.
I do not know what to call this other then bread and wine. What do you need?
good bread
a red wine you like
granulated sugar, coarser is nice
I took the Shepherd's bread I made earlier this week. Toasted a slice. Sprinkled it with a couple of teaspoons of red wine. I used a Dolce Tinto. I like sweet. Then I sprinkle a bit of sugar over it.
Not too sweet. Barely sweet. Satisfying and simple. Really nice with a cup of tea or coffee.
Now just to get through Friday. I expect more drama just because of what is coming later this month and next month.

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