croquant cake

I told you going to Oxheart resturant was a bad thing. I have been playing with meringue cakes after their carrot cake. I took my croquant cookie recipe to use as the merinque layer. I was actually much happier with it then the typical meringue. The filling and glaze on this one are very similar to the merinque cake but I did use a chocolate ganache. That is how I knew I liked the chocolate syrup better. Which is what I will use next time.
Croquant cake
1 recipe croquant cookies
8 ounces marscapone
2 tablespoons sugar
1 cup chocolate chips
2 tablespoons heavy whipping cream.
Preheat oven to 350 degrees Fahrentheit.
Mix the croquant dough as the recipe calls for. Make three "cookies" instead of many. You want them to be about six inches across. Bake for about 10 minutes. Let cool.
Mix the marscapone with the 2 tablespoons sugar. Set aside.
Melt the chocolate chips with the whipping cream. Keep warm.
Set one layer on a plate. Spread with marscapone. Spread with ganache. Set another layer on top. Again, spread with marscapone and ganache. Put the last layer on top. Spread with ganache and dribble with whatever marscapone is left.
Serve. Do not let your child at it with a fork. The cake will have strange indentions in it then instead of sliced edges. It was like having a large mouse!

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