eyelet top

My friend Jewels sent me a picture of a top from etsy she thought I would like. I did but the seller was not making that style in that fabric anymore. So I made something similar. The Tall Short Person helped me pick out the fabric. It is an eyelet that has a flower pattern. It is really a simple top. Cut a bit wider at the bottom so there is some swing. Cut a bit shorter so it does not get tucked in. I put a deep hem on it and cuffs, which were not on the original. I also did a different closure in the back.
My Beloved picked out the button. It is pearly and shiny at the same time. It sparkles.
The fabric is so soft that it wrinkles when you look at it sideways but the soft is very nice. I have a feeling that this is going to be one of my favorite tops and I will wear it out before I am ready. That happens to often for my pleasure around here!

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