last current adventures with turnips

We have had people living on broths around here lately. Allergies are rampant and my Beloved has been under the weather. He has not been hungry at all, which is not a good thing. Especially when he is swinging a handle in his forge. His knife business is growing so he needs to keep up his strength. Broths are a way to do that when nothing else appeals.
This is a simple one and soothes the throat. A bit of turnip, onion, garlic. A pinch of salt, garlic, and thyme. A quart of vegetable broth and a couple tablespoons of cooked rice for each bowl. Healing. Strengthening. A bit of love in a bowl.
Turnip soup
2 tablespoons olive oil
4 tablespoons minced onion
4 cloves of minced garlic
1 turnip, washed and sliced into wedges
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon pepper
1/4 teaspoon thyme
1 quart vegetable broth
cooked rice.
In a medium heavy pot, over medium heat, pour the oil. Let it get hot and add the onion and turnip. You want the onion to caramlize and the turnip to start having brown edges. Add the garlic and cook until lightly brown. Add the salt, pepper, and thyme. Mix well. Pour in the vegetable broth and cook until the turnips are tender.
When the broth is hot through and the turnips done, put a couple tablespoons of cooked rice in the bottom of a bowl. We like a mix of brown and white. Pour in a cup of the soup. Enjoy.
If your stomach is up to it, add a piece of toast with a bit of olive oil and a sprinkle of salt and pepper on it. A bit of salad. A few bites of fruit. Strengthening the body and soul.

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