fig and bacon salad

I normally take salads to work for lunch. I need something that is not too high in carbs that will not play with my blood sugar otherwise I crash early afternoon no matter what I eat. Or quantity of what I eat. It is very frustrating. It is all related to adrenals that are out of wack because the pituitary is out of wack. I have found recently that salads work well. Sometimes yogurt but my favorite sandwich (peanut butter and jam) is really a no go.
I could eat the same salad every day but what I put on it is not seasonal year round. So I have to change what is on it. I took the idea of the bagon wrapped fig appetizer and made it into my salad. I actually made one for my Beloved at the same time. I got that text message of it was soooooooo good.
Fig and Bacon Salad
1 to 2 figs per person, dependent on size
1 to 2 piece of bacon, dependent on how much you like bacon
romane lettuce
grated asiago chees
pine nuts
honey mustard vinagrette dressing
Put the bacon in a skillet over medium high heat and cook until brown.
While the bacon is cooking, slice the figs and add to the skillet. You want to saute them and get a few brown bits if you can.
Remove the bacon (keeping cooking the figs), and crumble up.
Put enough lettuce in your lunch container or plate for one person. Add the figs and bacon. Sprinkle a bit of grated asiago cheese over. Sprinkle pine nuts. Dress with the vinagrette. I use a light hand but I just do not like a lot of salad dressing ever (yes, I always order it on the side and usually do not even come close to eating half).
I put the lid on this, put it in my bicycle bag, and the refrigerator when I got to work. It was lovely. It was so good I could have eaten a whole other salad!

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