buttons, crochet, and chukar

It was another quiet evening for me where I am working on projects. Al lthe strips for the Pixie's quilt are done and I have already started to put the quilt top together or you would see a picture here of it. I am even going to do a touch of quilting on the back.
I took the time to pin strips together and put buttons on my Beloved's shirt. I got all the sewing machine work done on his shirt today. The buttonholes are the only thing left. He picked out beautiful brown buttons to go on his shirt.
I even took a few minutes to work on an alpaca shawl. I have one made already in a black grey yarn that I am planning to use in the sling with Pixie. I figure if I finish this one, I can use it too. Having two is not a bad thing. I really need to make some soakers for the babe but I figure I have a bit of time.
The biggest thing was figuring out how to get us fed today. We just packed too much into the evening. I put together salad, beans, and braised chukar that my Beloved hunted last winter. Simple but yummy.
Braised Chukar
1 chukar (a type of game bird related to a pheasant)
a couple tablespoons olive oil
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon pepper
a pinch thyme, sage, and rosemary
2 tablespoons dried orange peel
1 cup white wine
Preheat oven to 200 degrees Fahrenheit.
In an oven proof pan, place on the stove and heat on medium. Add the olive oil and heat. Put the chukar in and brown on both sides. Sprinkle with salt, pepper, thyme, sage, rosemary, and orange. Pour in the wine. Cover and place in the oven.
Bake for 3 hours.
Drizzle with some of the leftover juices if you like. This was very moist and yummy. I wish we had braised another bird.

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