non-fussy bread

I had a go at the very fussy bread again. I made it very non-fussy and it was such a better bread it was not fussy. This is what I did:
Non-Fussy Bread (French style)
200 grams refreshed sourdough starter (Refresh starter about 8 hours before with 200 grams water and 200 grams flour. Let sit. Keep leftovers for next time)
20 grams salt
900 grams all purpose flour
100 grams whole wheat flour
(or 1000 grams of a mixture of the flours)
700 grams water.
In a large bowl, refresh your starter. Make sure there is 200 grams left in the bowl. Add the salt, flour, and water. Mix in well. I had to use my hands to finish even though this is a very wet dough. My right shoulder has been hurting more then a bit so if you are not hurting you may be able to do all of it with a wooden spoon.
Cover the dough with a cloth and let it sit for three hours or a bit more (like four hours). It will be puffy.
Grease two loaf pans.
Scrape the dough out of the bowl and onto a floured counter.
Divide into two and shape into loaf. Put each loaf into a pan. Cover with a cloth and let sit two to threee hours.
Slash the top of the loaves after rising. Turn the oven on to 400 degrees Fahrenheit and put in the loaf. Bake for one hour.
Turn the loaves out of the pans after baking. They will sound hollow when you thunk them. Cover with a cloth and try with all your might to not cut into them for 20 minutes.
I have taken a loaf of fussy bread and non-fussy bread to work. The fussy bread lasted all day (one slice left). The non-fussy bread lasted about a hour. It was truly that much better. Much less fuss! I have been told by Mr. C at work that he likes very heavy bread so it fills him up. I am thinking about trying this with 100 percent whole wheat but my Beloved said that he gets at least a slice.

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