dinner rolls that can be cheese rolls that can be cinnamon rolls....

Miss E asked me for my dinner roll recipe today. I realized I had two. I am posting this one because I think this is the she ate at a party. But it might be the other. I based this on the cinnamon and cardamon buns in Apples for Jam by Tessa Kiros. I really like how it turns out.
Dinner rolls
Note: Instead of the sourdough starter, 1 cup flour, and 3/4 cup water you can use 1 package dry yeast.
sourdough starter
1 cup flour
3/4 cup water
1 cup hempmilk or other milk
1/2 cup sugar
1 egg
1/2 cup butter
1 teaspoon salt
4 plus cups flour (can be up to 5 1/2)
butter, cheese, or cinnamon sugar for filling
The night before, put the starter, water, and 1 cup flour in a large bowl. Let sit for at least eight hours until bubbly. In the morning, remove some starter for next time.
If you are not using starter, dissolve the yeast in the milk and let sit for about five minutes until a bit bubbly.
Add the milk to the starter if you are using starter.
From this point on, everything is the same. Mix in the sugar and egg. Mix in the butter and salt. The butter will be in chunks. Mix in the flour one cup at a time into the yeast mixture. You will get a stiff dough. Dump out on the counter and knead until smooth. You will probably need to add flour as you knead to make the dough not sticky.
Put the dough in a bowl, cover with a cloth, and let rise until double in a warm place.
Once risen, turn out on to a counter. Roll the dough out until it is about 1/4" thick. It is easier if you make this a rectangle shape. Spread with butter. At this point, if you wish, you can also sprinkle with cheese and/or herbs, or a cinnamon sugar mixture. Roll up along the long edge.
Put cut side down on a baking sheet covered with silpat or parchment paper. ( I ran out rising surfaces in the picture.)
Let rise for about 45 minutes to an hour.
Preheat oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit.
Bake rolls in oven for 20-25 minutes. The edges will be golden.
This is a picture of the baked cinnamon rolls. The plain rolls go wonderfully with soup. I have not tried them with many other savory dishes just because that is a mainstay for dinner around here when it is chilly.

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