Team Pinky Pie official uniforms

I was asked to make capes for Team Pinky Pie. This is for Miss S who is learning the ins and outs of living with Type 1 diabetes. And for her mom who is trying to get as much buy in as she can at this point. The theme was purple, pink and butterflies. I went to the fabric store and found sparkly satins, ribbons with butterflies, and butterfly appliques.
I spent time cutting and stitching.
And stitching some more.
The first cape I finished is for a nurse, tech, or doctor.
The second one was for Momma, Miss A. She seemed pleased.
I got out the rest of the appliques and added them to the purplist cape.
And this is for Miss S. to combat owwie pin pricks, ucky insulin shots, and fight the Dread Pirate Diabetes. (When the idea of capes came out, I just kept thinking Princess Bride.) They actually turned out much better then these pictures show and were much appreciated. They were fun to make and much appreciated when delivered.
It is what support staff does!

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