the coast

We went on vacation to the Oregon coast after my Grandmother's birthday party. Now, what does that really mean.
It means that the three of us and a dog pile into our truck that is pulling our travel trailer and head to Beverly Beach State park in Oregon.
We read and drink tea. I might have a project to work on.
We walk in the woods to head to the beach.
And we walk.
And we walk some more. My Beloved actually calls it trekking. Before he came with the Tall Short person and myself, he could never figure out how we could be so tired so early in the evening from just a simple walk on the beach. And then he joined us. His definition of walk changed! Trek. I just found this out this last trip and we have been going for years now.
Puppy face had a blast! I think we finally figured out how to tucker him out. Beach, sticks, balls, and long walks. But he never said no. He just got slower as the week went along.
I kept trying to ice my fractured ankle but I think the runoff was colder then the ocean. My ankle is still swollen.
I spend time in the kitchen creating. My family feels like they eat very well. Yes, we will still go out but I also create.
We have been back for a week and I am finding that I miss the trees and the ocean greatly. We will be going back to Oregon soon for a bladesmithing course for my Beloved but it will not be the beach. But I will get some tea and hopefully get some tree time.
This is latest finished creation. It is already sold. That makes me smile. Both the process and the selling bring him joy.

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