according to my Beloved, smoked salmon chowder is happiness!

One of my aunts gives a party on Christmas Eve every year which is clam chowder and desserts. I have gotten into the habit of making chowder on Chrismtas Eve because it is easy and it can feed multitudes. But this year, we were camping and I made enchiladas.
I have been missing the chowder. I decided to make a smoked salmon chowder. As the title of this post says, my Beloved was singing that smoked salmon chowder is happiness. Yes, singing. It is random Beloved radio. He gets the leftovers for lunch or when he "cooks." He reheats well.
This is very tasty. I used a very Pacific Northwest smoked salmon. Smoked salmon from that region is called squaw candy because it is oily and sweet. It works with a Scottish smoked salmon but I like the stronger flavor here. It is all to your taste though.
Smoked Salmon Chowder
2 tablespoons olive oil
1/2 onion, minced
2 cloves garlic minced
8 yellow potatoes, chopped
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon black pepper
6 to 8 cups water (less water, more like a stew instead of a soup)
1/4 pound smoked salmon
2 tablespoons heavy cream
In a soup pot, over medium high heat, add the oil and heat. Add the onions and cook until starting to turn golden. Add the garlic. I am usually cutting potatoes here and add them as I go while the garlic is browning.
Add the water until everything is covered. Mix in the salt and pepper.
Break up the salmon into bite size pieces and put in the pot. Bring the contents to a boil, turn down to a simmer. Cook until the potatoes are done.
Turn off the heat. Let the bubbling stop and mix in the cream.
Put in bowls and get away from the rushing hoards.
That has a tendency to happen in my house. Even when it is only two that are rushing the soup pot. I do get to hold the Smallest Short Person during this process though so it is not all bad.

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